Welcome to Longhand Collective!

Hi, I’m Liz, and I’m the founder of this thing.
I started Longhand Collective to share my love of old-school writing stuff.
In a digital world, grabbing my favorite fountain pen and notebook helps me focus, be more productive, and be better at what I do.
Plus, I mean, come on, it’s fun.
If you haven’t got a pile of unused notebooks and a bag of ink samples sitting around your house, can you even call yourself a writer?
Didn’t think so.
Whether you’re new to pens and notebooks and everything that comes with them or want more stuff to read on your lunch break, welcome.
This site is my playground. It’s where I’ll share my thoughts about writing and my favorite tools and try out some new stuff.
Over the last few years, I’ve fallen hard for this hobby, so I hope to connect and educate you.
Let’s do this!
If you have a question or want to reach out, shoot me an email at: hi@longhandcollective.com.